In support of our indoor lacrosse practices for the youth teams, we created the following safety protocols following a review of safety guidelines and recommendations including those from the Centers for Disease Control, Ohio High School Athletic Association, US Lacrosse, Force Sports, the American Academy of Pediatrics (“AAP”). The protocols may change as additional recommendations or orders are issued by these entities or applicable government or health departments.
The current AAP guidance identifies the main driver of transmission as close contact with a person infected with SARS-CoV-2, so our safety protocols are intended to reduce this by employing the now well-known strategies of distancing and limited contact, face coverings, and good hygiene, health and respiratory etiquette. In addition to common sense:
· Do not come to practice if you have COVID symptoms, a fever, are sick (a “cold” or flu), or are not feeling well.
· Face coverings are required for athletes entering & leaving the Force and the field. Face coverings are not required for athletes during practice time.
· Coaches, staff, and anyone else must wear a face covering at all times while in the Force.
Arrival/Departure Procedure:
Per Force rules, non-participants will not be permitted to stay to watch sessions unless necessary. One parent can escort youth athletes entering and exiting of the facility.
Players should enter the Force through the main entrance/lobby. After practice, players will exit outside from the field via the side or garage doors.
Try and have your player as ready to go as possible before he/she comes in. There isn’t much room around the field and we want to minimize the socializing that comes with getting dressed for practice.
During Practice:
The Force Westlake has a mechanical ventilation system to bring in fresh, outside air (and heating it) and vent inside air to the outside. In addition, and conditions permitting, we will also be opening the garage doors on the West Side of the field for added fresh air circulation and to facilitate players exiting the building after practice.
Select Resources: