camps, clinics and teams

Northern Ohio is seeing boys and girls lacrosse explode with interest, and beyond the community travel teams there are a many options for more lax... camps, clinics, instructional leagues, summer premier teams. We have tried to assemble these different options here. We will try and keep it updated, but you should check directly with each to see what they have going on. Also check out our Lax blog for other lacrosse opportunities.


Bay High/Rec

The Bay High coaches run summer lacrosse camps for boys and girls, and BVLC runs an "Intro to" program through Bay Rec.

Force Shield.png


Force Sports offers a range of lacrosse programs, including camps, clinics and informal summer leagues. The girls summer league will be in Avon, the boys in Bay! Use code WESTSHORE20 during registration to save.


Force Sports offers a range of lacrosse programs, including camps, clinics and informal summer leagues. The boys summer league will be in Bay! Use code WESTSHORE20 during registration to save.